Health Care Sharing Ministry Medical Plans Are A Smart Option For Many People
- May 17, 2019
- Posted by: Tony Lehrman
- Categories: Arizona Health Insurance, health care sharing ministry plan

Are you fed up with your restrictive Marketplace ObamaCare plan? Tired of not being able to see the doctors of your own choosing? We have a very good solution that works extremely well all across the United States. No matter where you live (except for MD, MA and VT) we can help with a health care sharing ministry plan that will give you access to over 1,000,000 medical providers nationwide. And health care sharing ministry plans cost a LOT less than Marketplace plans, often 60% less each month.
These plans, called Classic, will cover your pre-existing conditions in a doctor’s office from day one, but not in a hospital until you have been on the plan for two years. If you need pre-existing condition coverage for a potential hospital stay right now, this is not the right plan for you. However, they DO offer a plan that WILL cover hospital stays for pre-existing conditions from day one — they will pay $20,000 each year for pre-existing conditions for the first two years you are on that plan, then up to $1,000,000 beginning the third year. That plan is called Complete. However, $20,000 won’t go too far if you are hospitalized for very long.
These health care sharing ministry plans are not subject to ObamaCare Open Enrollment dates, so you could drop your restrictive and expensive Marketplace ObamaCare plan and purchase one of these plans any time during the year. But you should NOT do that if you have certain pre-existing conditions, so before you cancel any current plan, let’s talk. The plans use America’s largest medical provider network, the PHCS Multiplan PPO network. The network search tool is found here.
Health care sharing ministry plans are not regulated by State insurance commissioners, instead they are regulated by the US government’s Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, also known as CMS (which is overseen by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services). These types of plans are becoming very popular all across the country. These plans, which are not considered insurance by state insurance commissioners, meet most ObamaCare requirements — see this for details about health care sharing ministry plans. Most health care sharing ministry plans do not provide the same level of coverage for maternity and mental health benefits as the Marketplace plans, and Marketplace plans pay unlimited lifetime benefits — these plans pay a lifetime maximum of $1,000,000.
The plans we offer come from faith-based organizations but they don’t limit applicants to a specific religion. Applicants are required to agree with their Statement of Beliefs which says you believe in God, that you believe your personal rights and liberties come from God, that you believe it is a spiritual duty to help your fellow man, that you should maintain a healthy lifestyle, and that you have a fundamental right to direct your own healthcare in consultation with the doctors and advisers of your own choosing.
For a couple in their 60’s, a plan that gives you doctor visits for $20, specialists visits for $75, urgent care visits for $20, emergency room visits for $300 and free annual exams, would cost $673 per month. That same plan for a family of five people with an adult at the age of 39, would cost just $622 per month. For a couple in their 30’s, the monthly cost is $449. Compare these rates with what you are paying now. To see rates and plan details, download the Classic plan brochure here. To see rates and plan details for the Complete plan that will cover pre-existing conditions in a hospital from day one, download the brochure here.
Call us from anywhere in America at (800) 600-9663, ext 11, and we can give you rates right over the phone. We get a LOT of calls, so if you get a voicemail, leave us a message with your number and we’ll call you right back. Or complete the small form just below and we will email you with all of the options and rates.
Lehrman Group has been offering health plans since 1988 and is an Accredited Business with an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau.