AZ Employers Save $1K Per Year Per Employee
- February 25, 2021
- Posted by: Tony Lehrman
- Category: Arizona Health Insurance

Are you an Arizona employer with at least 12 full time employees spread out all across the country? Do you want to save $1,000 per year per employee? We can show you how you can save at least $1000 PER employee PER year — keeping the benefits the same as they are now as well as keeping you with your currently insurance in most cases.
How can we make such a statement? We have tapped into the new technology of looking at your claims history before we devise, develop and offer you our programs. How do we do this? Your current insurance carrier in most cases will not provide you your vital claims history. We can help employers attain this critical information from most insurance carriers in America. We have over 45 years of health insurance experience and just recently have seen this brand, new technology merged with another one of our concepts, the IRS Section 105/MERP. When combining the statistics of your claims with the Section 105 IIS Benefits can develop a sustainable health insurance product for you and your team member that is sustainable long term.
Lehrman Group will share informative information with you for FREE.
Do not confuse the IRS 105/MERP with a Flexible Benefits or Cafeteria Plan because they are two different programs. Section 105, a little known part of the tax code, allows a 100% deduction for health insurance and allows companies to write off other non-insured medical, dental and vision expenses as well. This allows employees and employers to save Federal Taxes, State Taxes, FICA, Medicare, Workers Compensation, Unemployment and State Disability Insurance payroll taxes — a lot for some.
Lehrman Group’s Ken Whitley personally has over 45 years of experience in helping employer groups like yours benefit from time tested strategies.
Stop buying insurance rates and start buying proven strategies. Ken works with every insurance carrier in Arizona. His focus is not to sell you just rates, because he specializes in helping employers better understand their benefits how best to pay for them moving forward. If you want the smartest health insurance plan for you and your employee’s call Ken at the number below.
Lehrman Group will not charge you any fees at any time — all work we do on your behalf is at no charge to you. We represent all employer-based group health insurance plans available in Arizona. Health insurance companies offering employer plans include United HealthCare, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Arizona, Cigna, Humana, National General and many, many more and all work with our new Section 105 MERP concept.
Do you want to be able to use almost any doctor and hospital? Do you have employees in remote Arizona communities? Do you have employees that are actually not living in Arizona? None of this is a problem for Lehrman Group or for Ken.
There may never be a better time to look into making employer group health insurance changes than right now. Take this absolutely free opportunity and see if Lehrman Group can get your employees a better health insurance plan and you can save over $1000 PER employee PER year over what you are doing right now.
Call Ken from anywhere — Phoenix, Tucson, Flagstaff, Yuma, Nogales and any other location at (800) 600-9663, Ext 19. Or go here and complete the form and Ken will reach out to you quickly.